
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



  • LLMReranker now supports custom prompts as well as custom response parsers allowing for other ranking scales apart from default 1-5.
  • and now support ColumnReference as a topic name. When a ColumnReference is provided, each message's topic is determined by the corresponding column value.
  • accepting ConnectorObserver as an alternative to
  • and now support S3 as data backend and AWS Glue catalog implementations.
  • All output connectors now support the sort_by field for ordering output within a single minibatch.
  • A new UDF executor pw.udfs.fully_async_executor. It allows for creation of non-blocking asynchronous UDFs which results can be returned in the future processing time.
  • A Future data type to represent results of fully asynchronous UDFs.
  • pw.Table.await_futures method to wait for results of fully asynchronous UDFs.
  • now supports partition columns specification.


  • BREAKING: Changed the interface of LLMReranker, the use_logit_bias, cache_strategy, retry_strategy and kwargs arguments are no longer supported.
  • BREAKING: LLMReranker no longer inherits from pw.UDF
  • BREAKING: pw.stdlib.utils.AsyncTransformer.output_table now returns a table with columns with Future data type.
  • can now read append-only tables without requiring explicit specification of primary key fields.

0.18.0 - 2025-02-07


  • and now handle serialization of PyObjectWrapper and Timedelta properly.
  • New chunking options in pathway.xpacks.llm.parsers.UnstructuredParser
  • Now all Pathway types can be serialized into JSON and consistently deserialized back.
  • table.col.dt.to_duration converting an integer into a pw.Duration.
  • pw.Json now supports storing datetime and duration type values in ISO format.


  • BREAKING: Changed the interface of UnstructuredParser
  • BREAKING: The Pointer type is now serialized and deserialized as a string field in Iceberg and Delta Lake.
  • BREAKING: The Bytes type is now serialized and deserialized with base64 encoding and decoding when the JSON format is used. A string field is used to store the encoded contents.
  • BREAKING: The Array type is now serialized and deserialized as an object with two fields: shape denoting the shape of the stored multi-dimensional array and elements denoting the elements of the flattened array.
  • BREAKING: Marked package as py.typed to indicate support for type hints.


  • BREAKING: Removed undocumented license_key argument from and pw.run_all methods. Instead, pw.set_license_key should be used.

0.17.0 - 2025-01-30


  • method for reading Apache Iceberg tables into Pathway.
  • methods and now accept an additional argument init_mode, which allows initializing the table before writing.
  • now supports serialization and deserialization for all Pathway data types.
  • New parser pathway.xpacks.llm.parsers.DoclingParser supporting parsing of pdfs with tables and images.
  • Output connectors now include an optional name parameter. If provided, this name will appear in logs and monitoring dashboards.
  • Automatic naming for input and output connectors has been enhanced.


  • BREAKING: now requires explicit specification of primary key fields.
  • BREAKING: pw.xpacks.llm.question_answering.BaseRAGQuestionAnswerer now returns a dictionary from pw_ai_answer endpoint.
  • pw.xpacks.llm.question_answering.BaseRAGQuestionAnswerer allows optionally returning context documents from pw_ai_answer endpoint.
  • BREAKING: When using delay in temporal behavior, current time is updated immediately, not in the next batch.
  • BREAKING: The Pointer type is now serialized to Delta Tables as raw bytes.
  • now allows to specify key and headers for JSON and CSV data formats.
  • persistent_id parameter in connectors has been renamed to name. This new name parameter allows you to assign names to connectors, which will appear in logs and monitoring dashboards.
  • Changed names of parsers to be more consistent: ParseUnstrutured -> UnstructuredParser, ParseUtf8 -> Utf8Parser. ParseUnstrutured and ParseUtf8 are now deprecated.


  • generate_class method in Schema now correctly renders columns of UnionType and None types.
  • a bug in delay in temporal behavior. It was possible to emit a single entry twice in a specific situation.
  • now correctly handles tables that only have primary key columns.


  • BREAKING: pw.indexing.build_sorted_index, pw.indexing.retrieve_prev_next_values, pw.indexing.sort_from_index and pw.indexing.SortedIndex are removed. Sorting is now done with pw.Table.sort.
  • BREAKING: Removed deprecated methods pw.Table.unsafe_promise_same_universe_as, pw.Table.unsafe_promise_universes_are_pairwise_disjoint, pw.Table.unsafe_promise_universe_is_subset_of, pw.Table.left_join, pw.Table.right_join, pw.Table.outer_join, pw.stdlib.utils.AsyncTransformer.result.
  • BREAKING: Removed deprecated column _pw_shard in the result of windowby.
  • BREAKING: Removed deprecated functions pw.debug.parse_to_table, pw.udf_async, pw.reducers.npsum, pw.reducers.int_sum, pw.stdlib.utils.col.flatten_column.
  • BREAKING: Removed deprecated module pw.asynchronous.
  • BREAKING: Removed deprecated access to functions from in pw.
  • BREAKING: Removed deprecated classes pw.UDFSync, pw.UDFAsync.
  • BREAKING: Removed class pw.xpack.llm.parsers.OpenParse. It's functionality has been replaced with pw.xpack.llm.parsers.DoclingParser.
  • BREAKING: Removed deprecated arguments from input connectors: value_columns, primary_key, types, default_values. Schema should be used instead.

0.16.4 - 2025-01-09


  • Google Drive connector in static mode now correctly displays in jupyter visualizations.

0.16.3 - 2025-01-02


  • method for writing Pathway tables into Apache Iceberg.


  • values of non-deterministic UDFs are not stored in tables that are append_only.
  • pw.Table.ix has better runtime error message that includes id of the missing row.


  • temporal behaviors in temporal operators (windowby, interval_join) now consume no CPU when no data passes through them.

0.16.2 - 2024-12-19


  • pw.xpacks.llm.prompts.RAGPromptTemplate, set of prompt utilities that enable verifying templates and creating UDFs from prompt strings or callables.
  • pw.xpacks.llm.question_answering.BaseContextProcessor streamlines development and tuning of representing retrieved context documents to the LLM.
  • now supports with_metadata flag, which makes it possible to attach the metadata of the Kafka messages to the table entries.
  • can now stream the tables with deletions, if no deletion vectors were used.


  • now explicitly terminates with an error if it fails to read the data the specified number of times per row (the default is 8).
  • pw.xpacks.llm.prompts.prompt_qa, and other prompts expect 'context' and 'query' fields instead of 'docs'.
  • Removed support for short_prompt_template and long_prompt_template in pw.xpacks.llm.question_answering.BaseRAGQuestionAnswerer. These prompt variants are no longer accepted during construction or in requests.
  • pw.xpacks.llm.question_answering.BaseRAGQuestionAnswerer allows setting user created prompts. Templates are verified to include 'context' and 'query' placeholders.
  • pw.xpacks.llm.question_answering.BaseRAGQuestionAnswerer can take a BaseContextProcessor that represents context documents to the LLM. Defaults to pw.xpacks.llm.question_answering.SimpleContextProcessor which filters metadata fields and joins the documents with new lines.


  • The input of and is now correctly persisted in case deletions or modifications of already processed objects take place.

0.16.1 - 2024-12-12


  • now monitors object deletions and modifications in the S3 source, when ran in streaming mode. When an object is deleted in S3, it is also removed from the engine. Similarly, if an object is modified in S3, the engine updates its state to reflect those changes.
  • now supports with_metadata flag, which makes it possible to attach the metadata of the source object to the table entries.


  • pw.xpacks.llm.document_store.DocumentStore no longer requires _metadata column in the input table.

0.16.0 - 2024-11-29


  • pw.xpacks.llm.document_store.SlidesDocumentStore, which is a subclass of pw.xpacks.llm.document_store.DocumentStore customized for retrieving slides from presentations.
  • pw.temporal.inactivity_detection and pw.temporal.utc_now functions allowing for alerting and other time dependent usecases


  • pw.Table.concat, pw.Table.with_id, pw.Table.with_id_from no longer perform checks if ids are unique. It improves memory usage.
  • table operations that store values (like pw.Table.join, pw.Table.update_cells) no longer store columns that are not used downstream.
  • append_only column property is now propagated better (there are more places where we can infer it).
  • BREAKING: Parsers and parser utilities including OpenParse, ParseUnstructured, ParseUtf8, parse_images are now async. Parser interface in the VectorStore and DocumentStore remains unchanged.
  • BREAKING: Unused arguments from the constructor pw.xpacks.llm.question_answering.DeckRetriever are no longer accepted.


  • query_as_of_now of pw.stdlib.indexing.DataIndex and pw.stdlib.indexing.HybridIndex now work in constant memory for infinite query stream (no query-related data is kept after query is answered).

0.15.4 - 2024-11-18


  • now supports reading entries starting from a specified timestamp.
  • and methods for reading from and writing Pathway tables to NATS.


  • pw.Table.diff now supports setting instance parameter that allows computing differences for multiple groups.
  • now keeps the Postgres table fully in sync with the current state of the table in Pathway. This means that if an entry is deleted in Pathway, the same entry will also be deleted from the Postgres table managed by the output connector.


  • pw.PyObjectWrapper is now picklable.
  • query_as_of_now of pw.stdlib.indexing.DataIndex and pw.stdlib.indexing.HybridIndex now work in constant memory for infinite query stream (no query-related data is kept after query is answered).

0.15.3 - 2024-11-07


  • connector for writing Pathway tables in MongoDB.
  • now supports downloading objects from an S3 bucket in parallel.


  • performance has been improved for directories containing a large number of files.

0.15.2 - 2024-10-24


  • now supports custom S3 Delta Lakes with HTTP endpoints.
  • now supports specifying both a custom endpoint and a custom region for Delta Lakes via


  • Indices in pathway.stdlib.indexing.nearest_neighbors can now work also on numpy arrays. Previously they only accepted list[float]. Working with numpy arrays improves memory efficiency.
  • has been optimized to minimize new object requests whenever possible.
  • It is now possible to set the size limit of cache in pw.udfs.DiskCache.
  • State persistence now uses a single backend for both metadata and stream storage. The pw.persistence.Config.simple_config method is therefore deprecated. Now you can use the pw.persistence.Config constructor with the same parameters that were previously used in simple_config.


  • connector now correctly handles pw.Json columns.

0.15.1 - 2024-10-04


  • pw.temporal.session and pw.temporal.asof_join now correctly works with multiple entries with the same time.
  • Fixed an issue in pw.stdlib.indexing where filters would cause runtime errors while using HybridIndexFactory.

0.15.0 - 2024-09-12


  • Experimental A pw.xpacks.llm.document_store.DocumentStore to process and index documents.
  • pw.xpacks.llm.servers.DocumentStoreServer used to expose REST server for retrieving documents from pw.xpacks.llm.document_store.DocumentStore.
  • pw.xpacks.stdlib.indexing.HybridIndex used for querying multiple indices and combining their results.
  • now also supports streams that only operate in full_refresh mode.


  • Running servers for answering queries is extracted from pw.xpacks.llm.question_answering.BaseRAGQuestionAnswerer into pw.xpacks.llm.servers.QARestServer and pw.xpacks.llm.servers.QASummaryRestServer.
  • BREAKING: query and query_as_of_now of pathway.stdlib.indexing.data_index.DataIndex now produce an empty list instead of None if no match is found.

0.14.3 - 2024-08-22


  • and now correctly work with lakes hosted in S3 over, Wasabi and Digital Ocean.


  • The Pathway CLI command spawn can now execute code directly from a specified GitHub repository.
  • A new CLI command, spawn-from-env, has been added. This command runs the Pathway CLI spawn command using arguments provided in the PATHWAY_SPAWN_ARGS environment variable.

0.14.2 - 2024-08-06


  • Switched pw.xpacks.llm.embedders.GeminiEmbedder to be sync to resolve compatibility issues with the Google Colab runs.
  • Pinned surya-ocr module version for stability.

0.14.1 - 2024-08-05


  • pw.xpacks.llm.embedders.GeminiEmbedder which is a wrapper for Google Gemini Embedding services.

0.14.0 - 2024-07-25


  • pw.debug.table_to_pandas now exports int | None columns correctly.


  • can now be used with Airbyte connectors implemented in Python without requiring Docker.
  • BREAKING: UDFs now verify the type of returned values at runtime. If it is possible to cast a returned value to a proper type, the values is cast. If the value does not match the expected type and can't be cast, an error is raised.
  • BREAKING: pw.reducers.ndarray reducer requires input column to either have type float, int or Array.
  • pw.xpacks.llm.parsers.OpenParse can now extract and parse images & diagrams from PDFs. This can be enabled by setting the parse_images. processing_pipeline can be also set to customize the post processing of doc elements.

0.13.2 - 2024-07-08


  • now supports S3 data sources.
  • pw.xpacks.llm.parsers.ImageParser which allows parsing images with the vision LMs.
  • pw.xpacks.llm.parsers.SlideParser that enables parsing PDF and PPTX slides with the vision LMs.
  • pw.xpacks.llm.parsers.question_answering.RAGClient, Python client for Pathway hosted RAG apps.
  • pw.xpacks.llm.parsers.question_answeringDeckRetriever, a RAG app that enables searching through slide decks with visual-heavy elements.


  • pw.xpacks.llm.vector_store.VectorStoreServer now uses new indexes.


  • pw.xpacks.llm.parsers.OpenParse now supports any vision Language model including local and proprietary models via LiteLLM.

0.13.1 - 2024-06-27


  • now accepts an autogenerate_key flag. This flag determines the primary key generation policy to apply when reading raw data from the source. You can either use the key from the Kafka message or have Pathway autogenerate one.
  • input connector that fetches changes from DeltaLake into a Pathway table.
  • pw.xpacks.llm.parsers.OpenParse which allows parsing tables and images in PDFs.


  • All S3 input connectors (including S3,, Digital Ocean, and Wasabi) now automatically retry network operations if a failure occurs.
  • The issue where the connection to the S3 source fails after partially ingesting an object has been resolved by downloading the object in full first.

0.13.0 - 2024-06-13


  • now supports S3 destinations.


  • pw.debug.compute_and_print now allows passing more than one table.
  • BREAKING: path parameter in renamed to uri.


  • A bug in pw.Table.deduplicate. If persistent_id is not set, it is no longer generated in pw.PersistenceMode.SELECTIVE_PERSISTING mode.

0.12.0 - 2024-06-08


  • pw.PyObjectWrapper that enables passing python objects of any type to the engine.
  • cache_strategy option added for It enables cache configuration, which is useful for duplicated requests.
  • allow_misses argument to Table.ix and Table.ix_ref methods which allows for filling rows with missing keys with None values.
  • output connector that streams the changes of a given table into a DeltaLake storage.
  • now supports data extraction with Google Cloud Runs.


  • BREAKING: Removed Table.having method.
  • BREAKING: Removed pw.DATE_TIME_UTC, pw.DATE_TIME_NAIVE and pw.DURATION as dtype markers. Instead, pw.DateTimeUtc, pw.DateTimeNaive and pw.Duration should be used, which are wrappers for corresponding pandas types.
  • BREAKING: Removed class transformers from public API: pw.ClassArg, pw.attribute, pw.input_attribute, pw.input_method, pw.method, pw.output_attribute and pw.transformer.
  • BREAKING: Removed several methods from pw.indexing module: binsearch_oracle, filter_cmp_helper, filter_smallest_k and prefix_sum_oracle.

0.11.2 - 2024-05-27


  • pathway.assert_table_has_schema and pathway.table_transformer now accept allow_subtype argument, which, if True, allows column types in the Table be subtypes of types in the Schema.
  • next method to (python connector) that enables passing values of any type to the engine, not only values that are json-serializable. The next method should be the preferred way of passing values from the python connector.


  • The format argument of is deprecated. A data format is inferred from the method used (next_json, next_str, next_bytes) and the provided schema.


  • Removed pw.numba_apply and numba dependency.


  • Fixed pw.this desugaring bug, where __getitem__ in .ix context was not working properly.
  • now checks if the data matches the passed schema.

0.11.1 - 2024-05-16


  • query and query_as_of_now of pathway.stdlib.indexing.data_index.DataIndex now accept in metadata_column parameter a column with data of type str | None.
  • pathway.xpacks.connectors.sharepoint module, available with Pathway Scale License.

0.11.0 - 2024-05-10


  • Embedders in the LLM xpack now have method get_embedding_dimension that returns number of dimension used by the chosen embedder.
  • pathway.stdlib.indexing.nearest_neighbors, with implementations of pathway.stdlib.indexing.data_index.InnerIndex based on k-NN via LSH (implemented in Pathway), and k-NN provided by USearch library.
  • pathway.stdlib.indexing.vector_document_index, with a few predefined instances of pathway.stdlib.indexing.data_index.DataIndex.
  • pathway.stdlib.indexing.bm25, with implementations of pathway.stdlib.indexing.data_index.InnerIndex based on BM25 index provided by Tantivy.
  • pathway.stdlib.indexing.full_text_document_index, with a predefined instance of pathway.stdlib.indexing.data_index.DataIndex.
  • Introduced the reranker module under llm.xpacks. Includes few re-ranking strategies and utility functions for RAG applications.


  • BREAKING: windowby generates IDs of produced rows differently than in the previous version.
  • BREAKING: prints printable non-ascii characters as regular text, not \u{xxxx}.
  • BREAKING: Connector methods,,,,,,, now check the type of the input data. Previously it was not checked if the provided format was "json"/"jsonlines". If the data is inconsistent with the provided schema, the row is skipped and the error message is emitted.
  • BREAKING: query and query_as_of_now methods of pathway.stdlib.indexing.data_index.DataIndex now return pathway.JoinResult, to allow resolving column name conflicts (between columns in the table with queries and table with index data).
  • BREAKING: DataIndex methods query and query_as_of_now now return score in a column named _pw_index_reply_score (defined as _SCORE variable in


  • BREAKING: pathway.stdlib.indexing.data_index.VectorDocumentIndex class, some predefined instances are now meant to be obtained via methods provided in pathway.stdlib.indexing.vector_document_index.
  • BREAKING: with_distances parameter of query and query_as_of_now methods in pathway.stdlib.indexing.data_index.DataIndex. Instead of 'distance', we now operate with a more general term 'score' (higher = better). For distance based indices score is usually defined as negative distance. Score is now always included in the answer, as long as underlying index returns something that indicates quality of a match.

0.10.1 - 2024-04-30


  • query method to VectorStoreServer to enable compatible API with DataIndex.
  • AdaptiveRAGQuestionAnswerer to xpacks.question_answering. End-to-end pipeline and accompanying code for Private RAG showcase.

0.10.0 - 2024-04-24


  • Pathway now warns when unintentionally creating Table with empty universe.
  • in raw and plaintext formats now supports output for tables with multiple columns. For such tables, it requires the specification of the column that must be used as a value of the produced Kafka messages and gives a possibility to provide column which must be used as a key.
  • can now output values from the table using Kafka message headers in 'raw' and 'plaintext' output format.


  • instance arguments to groupby, join, with_id_from now determine how entries are distributed between machines.
  • flatten results remain on the same machine as their source entries.
  • join sends each record between machines at most once.
  • BREAKING: flatten, join, groupby (if used with instance), with_id_from (if used with instance) generate IDs of the produced rows differently than in the previous versions.
  • pathway spawn with multiple workers prints only output from the first worker.

0.9.0 - 2024-04-18


  • pw.reducers.latest and pw.reducers.earliest that return the value with respectively maximal and minimal processing time assigned.
  • can now produce messages containing raw bytes in case the table consists of a single binary column and raw mode is specified. Similarly, this method will provide plaintext messages if plaintext mode is chosen and the table consists of a single string-typed column.
  • connector for publishing Pathway tables into Google PubSub.
  • Argument strict_prompt to answer_with_geometric_rag_strategy and answer_with_geometric_rag_strategy_from_index that allows optimizing prompts for smaller open-source LLM models.
  • Temporarily switch LiteLLMChat's generation method to sync version due to a bug while using json mode with Ollama.


  • BREAKING: will not parse the messages from UTF-8 in case raw mode was specified. To preserve this behavior you can use the plaintext mode.
  • BREAKING: Table.flatten now flattens one column and spreads every other column of the table, instead of taking other columns from the argument list.

0.8.6 - 2024-04-10


  • connector for writing Pathway tables into Google BigQuery.
  • parameter filepath_globpattern to query method in VectorStoreClient for specifying which files should be considered in the query.
  • Improved compatibility of pw.Json with standard methods such as len(), int(), float(), bool(), iter(), reversed() when feasible.


  • can now parallelize writes to several threads if several workers are configured.
  • Pathway now checks types of pointers rigorously. Indexing table with mismatched number/types of columns vs what was used to create index will now result in a TypeError.
  • pw.Json.as_float() method now supports integer JSON values.

0.8.5 - 2024-03-27


  • New function answer_with_geometric_rag_strategy_from_index, which allows to use answer_with_geometric_rag_strategy without the need to first retrieve documents from index.
  • Added support for custom state serialization to udf_reducer.
  • Introduced instance parameter in AsyncTransformer. All calls with a given (instance, processing_time) pair are returned at the same processing time. Ordering is preserved within a single instance.
  • Added successful, failed, finished properties to AsyncTransformer. They return tables with successful calls, failed calls and all finished calls, respectively.


  • Property result of AsyncTransformer is deprecated. Property successful should be used instead.
  •,,, now handle path as a glob pattern and read all matched files and directories recursively.

0.8.4 - 2024-03-18


  • Pathway will only require LiteLLM package, if you use one of the wrappers for LiteLLM.
  • Retries are implemented in
  • State processing protocol is updated in

0.8.3 - 2024-03-13


  • New parameters of pw.UDF class and pw.udf decorator: return_type, deterministic, propagate_none, executor, cache_strategy.
  • The LLM Xpack now provides integrations with LlamaIndex and LangChain for running the Pathway VectorStore server.


  • Subclassing UDFSync and UDFAsync is deprecated. UDF should be subclassed to create a new UDF.
  • Passing keyword arguments to pw.apply, pw.apply_with_type, pw.apply_async is deprecated. In the future, they'll be used for configuration, not passing data to the function.


  • Fixed a minor bug with Table.groupby() method which sometimes prevented of accessing certain columns in the following reduce().
  • Fixed warnings from using OpenAI Async embedding model in the VectorStore in Colab.

0.8.2 - 2024-02-28


  • %:z timezone format code to strptime.
  • Support for Airbyte connectors

0.8.1 - 2024-02-15


  • Introduced the send_alerts function in the namespace, enabling users to send messages from a specified column directly to a Slack channel.
  • Enhanced the by introducing an additional argument called request_validator. This feature empowers users to validate payloads and raise an HTTP 400 error if necessary.


  • Addressed an issue in where the computation of the last modification timestamp for an indexed document was incorrect.


  • Improved the behavior of It now includes retries when sending data to the output topic encounters failures.

0.8.0 - 2024-02-01


  • now supports multiple HTTP request types.
  • now allows Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) to be enabled on newly added endpoints
  • Wrappers for LiteLLM and HuggingFace chat services and SentenceTransformers embedding service are now added to Pathway xpack for LLMs.


  • now includes an additional parameter runtime_typechecking that enables strict type checking at runtime.
  • Embedders in pathway.xpacks.llm.embedders now correctly process empty strings as queries.
  • BREAKING: and pw.run_all now only accept keyword arguments.


  • pw.Duration can now be returned from User-Defined Functions (UDFs) or used as a constant value without resulting in errors.
  • now correctly handles tables that do not have a primary key.

0.7.10 - 2024-01-26


  • can now generate Open API 3.0.3 schema that will be returned by the route /_schema.
  • Wrappers for OpenAI Chat and Embedding services are now added to Pathway xpack for LLMs.
  • A vector indexing pipeline that allows querying for the most similar documents. It is available as class VectorStore as part of Pathway xpack for LLMs.


  • pw.debug.table_from_markdown now uses schema parameter (when set) to properly assign simple types (int, bool, float, str, bytes) and optional simple types to columns.

0.7.9 - 2024-01-18


  • now also accepts port as a string for backwards compatibility.
  • now sorts by distance by default.

0.7.8 - 2024-01-18


  • Support for comparisons of tuples has been added.
  • Standalone versions of methods such as pw.groupby, pw.join, pw.join_inner, pw.join_left, pw.join_right, and pw.join_outer are now available.
  • The abs function from Python can now be used on Pathway expressions.
  • The asof_join method now has configurable temporal behavior. The behavior parameter can be used to pass the configuration.
  • The state of the deduplicate operator can now be persisted.


  • interval_join can now work with intervals of zero length.
  • The can now open multiple endpoints on the same port using a new class.
  • The and methods now support the size limit for a single object. If set, it will exclude too large files and won't read them.

0.7.7 - 2023-12-27


  • pathway.xpacks.llm.splitter.TokenCountSplitter.

0.7.6 - 2023-12-22

New Features

Conversion Methods in pw.Json

  • Introducing new methods for strict conversion of pw.Json to desired types within a UDF body:
    • as_int()
    • as_float()
    • as_str()
    • as_bool()
    • as_list()
    • as_dict()

DateTime Functionality

  • Added table.col.dt.utc_from_timestamp method: Creates DateTimeUtc from timestamps represented as ints or floats.
  • Enhanced the table.col.dt.timestamp method with a new unit argument to specify the unit of the returned timestamp.

Experimental Features

  • Introduced an experimental xpack with a Microsoft SharePoint input connector.


Improved JSON Handling

  • Index operator ([]) can now be directly applied to pw.Json within UDFs to access elements of JSON objects, arrays, and strings.

Expanded Timestamp Functionality

  • Enhanced the table.col.dt.from_timestamp method to create DateTimeNaive from timestamps represented as ints or floats.
  • Deprecated not specifying the unit argument of the table.col.dt.timestamp method.

KNNIndex Enhancements

  • KNNIndex now supports returning computed distances.
  • Added support for cosine similarity in KNNIndex.

Deprecated Features

  • The offset argument of pw.stdlib.temporal.sliding and pw.stdlib.temporal.tumbling is deprecated. Use origin instead, as it represents a point in time, not a duration.

Bug Fixes

DateTime Fixes

  • Sliding window now works correctly with UTC Datetimes.

asof_join Improvements

  • Temporal column in asof_join no longer has to be named t.
  • asof_join includes rows with equal times for all values of the direction parameter.

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed an issue with Shared folders support is now working seamlessly.

0.7.5 - 2023-12-15


  • Added Table.split() method for splitting table based on an expression into two tables.
  • Columns with datatype duration can now be multiplied and divided by floats.
  • Columns with datatype duration now support both true and floor division (/ and //) by integers.


  • Pathway is better at typing if_else expressions when optional types are involved.
  • table.flatten() operator now supports Json array.
  • Buffers (used to delay outputs, configured via delay in common_behavior) now flush the data when the computation is finished. The effect of this change can be seen when run in bounded (batch / multi-revision) mode.
  • takes additional argument on_time_end - the callback function to be called on each closed time of computation.
  • is now a single-worker operator, guaranteeing that on_end is triggered at most once.
  • KNNIndex supports now metadata filtering. Each query can specify it's own filter in the JMESPath format.


  • Resolved an optimization bug causing pw.iterate to malfunction when handling columns effectively pointing to the same data.

0.7.4 - 2023-12-05


  • Pathway now keeps track of array columntype better - it is able to keep track of Array dtype and number of dimensions, wherever applicable.


  • Fixed issues with standalone panel+Bokeh dashboards to ensure optimal functionality and performance.

0.7.3 - 2023-11-30


  • A method weekday has been added to the dt namespace, that can be called on column expressions containing datetime data. This method returns an integer that represents the day of the week.
  • EXPERIMENTAL: Methods show and plot on Tables, providing visualizations of data using HoloViz Panel.
  • Added support for instance parameter to groupby, join, windowby and temporal join methods.
  • pw.PersistenceMode.UDF_CACHING persistence mode enabling automatic caching of AsyncTransformer invocations.


  • Methods round and floor on columns with datetimes now accept duration argument to be a string.
  • pw.debug.compute_and_print and pw.debug.compute_and_print_update_stream have a new argument n_rows that limits the number of rows printed.
  • pw.debug.table_to_pandas has a new argument include_id (by default True). If set to False, creates a new index for the Pandas DataFrame, rather than using the keys of the Pathway Table.
  • windowby function shard argument is now deprecated and instance should be used.
  • Special column name _pw_shard is now deprecated, and _pw_instance should be used.
  • pw.ReplayMode now can be accessed as pw.PersistenceMode, while the SPEEDRUN and REALTIME variants are now accessible as SPEEDRUN_REPLAY and REALTIME_REPLAY.
  • EXPERIMENTAL: has a new argument with_metadata (by default False). If set to True, adds a _metadata column containing file metadata to the resulting table.
  • Methods get_nearest_items and get_nearest_items_asof_now of KNNIndex allow to specify k (number of returned elements) separately in each query.

0.7.2 - 2023-11-24


  • Added ability of creating custom reducers using pw.reducers.udf_reducer decorator. Use pw.BaseCustomAccumulator as a base class for creating accumulators. Decorating accumulator returns reducer following custom logic.
  • A function pw.debug.compute_and_print_update_stream that computes and prints the update stream of the table.
  • SQLite input connector (


  • pw.debug.parse_to_table is now deprecated, pw.debug.table_from_markdown should be used instead.
  • pw.schema_from_csv now has quote and double_quote_escapes arguments.


  • Schema returned from pw.schema_from_csv will have quotes removed from column names, so it will now work properly with

0.7.1 - 2023-11-17


  • Experimental Google Drive input connector.
  • Stateful deduplication function (pw.stateful.deduplicate) allowing alerting on significant changes.
  • The ability to split data into batches in pw.debug.table_from_markdown and pw.debug.table_from_pandas.

0.7.0 - 2023-11-16


  • class Behavior, a superclass of all behavior classes.
  • class ExactlyOnceBehavior indicating we want to create a CommonBehavior that results in each window producing exactly one output (shifted in time by an optional shift parameter).
  • function exactly_once_behavior creating an instance of ExactlyOnceBehavior.


  • BREAKING: WindowBehavior is now called CommonBehavior, as it can be also used with interval joins.
  • BREAKING: window_behavior is now called common_behavior, as it can be also used with interval joins.
  • Deprecating parameter keep_queries in Now delete_completed_queries with an opposite meaning should be used instead. The default is still delete_completed_queries=True (equivalent to keep_queries=False) but it will soon be required to be set explicitly.

0.6.0 - 2023-11-10


  • A flag with_metadata for the filesystem-based connectors to attach the source file metadata to the table entries.
  • Methods pw.debug.table_from_list_of_batches and pw.debug.table_from_list_of_batches_by_workers for creating tables with defined data being inserted over time.


  • BREAKING: pw.debug.table_from_pandas and pw.debug.table_from_markdown now will create tables in the streaming mode, instead of static, if given table definition contains _time column.
  • BREAKING: Renamed the parameter keep_queries in to delete_queries with the opposite meaning. It changes the default behavior - it was keep_queries=False, now it is delete_queries=False.

0.5.3 - 2023-10-27


  • A method get_nearest_items_asof_now in KNNIndex that allows to get nearest neighbors without updating old queries in the future.
  • A method asof_now_join in Table to join rows from left side of the join with right side of the join at their processing time. Past rows from left side are not used when new data appears on the right side.

0.5.2 - 2023-10-19


  • interval_join now supports forgetting old entries. The configuration can be passed using behavior parameter of interval_join method.
  • Decorator @table_transformer for marking that functions take Tables as arguments.
  • Namespace for all columns Table.C.*.
  • Output connectors now provide logs about the number of entries written and time taken.
  • Filesystem connectors now support reading whole files as rows.
  • Command line option for pathway spawn to record data and pathway replay command to replay data.

0.5.1 - 2023-10-04


  • select operates only on consistent states.

0.5.0 - 2023-10-04


  • Schema method typehints that returns dict of mypy-compatible typehints.
  • Support for JSON parsing from CSV sources.
  • restrict method in Table to restrict table universe to the universe of the other table.
  • Better support for postgresql types in the output connector.


  • BREAKING: renamed Table method dtypes to typehints. It now returns a dict of mypy-compatible typehints.
  • BREAKING: Schema.__getitem__ returns a data class ColumnSchema containing all related information on particular column.
  • BREAKING: tuple reducer used after intervals_over window now sorts values by time.
  • BREAKING: expressions used in select, filter, flatten, with_columns, with_id, with_id_from have to have the same universe as the table. Earlier it was possible to use an expression from a superset of a table universe. To use expressions from wider universes, one can use restrict on the expression source table.
  • BREAKING: pw.universes.promise_are_equal(t1, t2) no longer allows to use references from t1 and t2 in a single expression. To change the universe of a table, use with_universe_of.
  • BREAKING: ix and ix_ref are temporarily broken inside joins (both temporal and ordinary).
  • select, filter, concat keep columns as a single stream. The work for other operators is ongoing.


  • Optional types other than string correctly output to PostgreSQL.

0.4.1 - 2023-09-25


  • Support for messages compressed with zstd in the Kafka connector.

0.4.0 - 2023-09-21


  • Support for JSON data format, including pw.Json type.
  • Methods as_int(), as_float(), as_str(), as_bool() to convert values from Json.
  • New argument skip_nones for tuple and sorted_tuple reducers.
  • New argument is_outer for intervals_over window.
  • pw.schema_from_dict and pw.schema_from_csv for generating schema based, respectively, on provided definition as a dictionary and CSV file with sample data.
  • generate_class method in Schema class for generating schema class code.


  • Method get() and [] to support accessing elements in Jsons.
  • Function pw.assert_table_has_schema for writing asserts checking, whether given table has the same schema as the one that is given as an argument.
  • BREAKING: ix and ix_ref operations are now standalone transformations of pw.Table into pw.Table. Most of the usages remain the same, but sometimes user needs to provide a context (when e.g. using them inside join or groupby operations). ix and ix_ref are temporarily broken inside temporal joins.


  • Fixed a bug where new-style optional types (e.g. int | None) were translated to Any dtype.

0.3.4 - 2023-09-18


  • Incompatible beartype version is now excluded from dependencies.

0.3.3 - 2023-09-14


  • Module pathway.dt to construct and manipulate DTypes.
  • New argument keep_queries in


  • Internal representation of DTypes. Inputting types is compatible backwards.
  • Temporal functions now accept arguments of mixed types (ints and floats). For example, pw.temporal.interval can use ints while columns it interacts with are floats.
  • Single-element arrays are now treated as arrays, not as scalars.


  • to_string() method on datetimes always prints 9 fractional digits.
  • %f format code in strptime() parses fractional part of a second correctly regardless of the number of digits.

0.3.2 - 2023-09-07


  • Table.cast_to_types() function that can perform pathway.cast on multiple columns.
  • intervals_over window, which allows to get temporally close data to given times.
  • demo.replay_csv_with_time function that can replay a CSV file following the timestamps of a given column.


  • Static data is now copied to ensure immutability.
  • Improved error tracing mechanism to work with any type of error.

0.3.1 - 2023-08-29


  • tuple reducer, that returns a tuple with values.
  • ndarray reducer, that returns an array with values.


  • numpy arrays of int32, uint32 and float32 are now converted to their 64-bit variants instead of tuples.
  • KNNIndex interface to take columns as inputs.
  • Reducers now check types of their arguments.


  • Fixed delayed reporting of output connector errors.
  • Python objects are now freed more often, reducing peak memory usage.

0.3.0 - 2023-08-07


  • @ (matrix multiplication) operator.


  • Python version 3.10 or later is now required.
  • Type checking is now more strict.

0.2.1 - 2023-07-31


  • Immediately forget queries in REST connector.
  • Make type annotations mandatory in Schema.


  • Fixed IDs coming from CSV source.
  • Fixed indices of dataframes from pandas transformer.

0.2.0 - 2023-07-20

