Success Stories

Read in-depth examples of how major organizations use Pathway to fuel live AI systems, enabling decision-making based on always up-to-date knowledge

Banking and Financial services
Providing customer service representatives with timely and accurate answers to client inquiries is costly and resource draining for retail banks.
Providing customer service representatives with timely and accurate answers to client inquiries is costly and resource draining for retail banks.
Discover how NATO and the Joint Support and Enabling Command (JSEC) collaborates with AI company Pathway during Steadfast Foxtrot 2024 to advance NATO's data processing and simulation capabilities, enhancing military operations and resilience in Eastern Europe.
Discover how NATO and the Joint Support and Enabling Command (JSEC) collaborates with AI company Pathway during Steadfast Foxtrot 2024 to advance NATO's data processing and simulation capabilities, enhancing military operations and resilience in Eastern Europe.
La Poste
Reduced the cost of their IoT deployment by 50%. And got analytics on a click for La Poste’ containers to enhance their operations.
Reduced the cost of their IoT deployment by 50%. And got analytics on a click for La Poste’ containers to enhance their operations.
Pathway enables Transdev to share reliable and accurate passenger information with their users, informing about bus deviations and ETAs.
Pathway enables Transdev to share reliable and accurate passenger information with their users, informing about bus deviations and ETAs.
Formula 1
Power real-time streaming use cases, through a fast, flexible, and user-friendly data processing system, enable end-users to create their User-Defined Functions (UDFs) independently, to feed the various business needs
Power real-time streaming use cases, through a fast, flexible, and user-friendly data processing system, enable end-users to create their User-Defined Functions (UDFs) independently, to feed the various business needs
Pathway improved significantly the precision of container gate-out ETAs (Estimated Time of Arrival). The optimization of individual terminal operations contributed to a speed-up in handling times of containers and reduced business and environmental costs.
Pathway improved significantly the precision of container gate-out ETAs (Estimated Time of Arrival). The optimization of individual terminal operations contributed to a speed-up in handling times of containers and reduced business and environmental costs.
DB Schenker
One-stop-shop cloud-based application to provide immediately actionable insights on top of data for logistic assets, including IoT data and status data. The Logistics Application is Pathway's lighthouse data product, built in Pathway's own technology.
One-stop-shop cloud-based application to provide immediately actionable insights on top of data for logistic assets, including IoT data and status data. The Logistics Application is Pathway's lighthouse data product, built in Pathway's own technology.
Pathway Slide Search is the most efficient way to find the slides you are looking for, and its fully compatible with Intel!
Pathway Slide Search is the most efficient way to find the slides you are looking for, and its fully compatible with Intel!

Trusted by

db-schenker logotype
intel logotype
nato logotype
F1 logotype
la-poste logotype
transdev logotype
cma-cgm logotype
Mazars logotype
CLS logotype
db-schenker logotype
intel logotype
nato logotype
F1 logotype
la-poste logotype
transdev logotype
cma-cgm logotype
Mazars logotype
CLS logotype