Joint Support and Enabling Command collaborates with AI company Pathway to combine industry and military expertise

Ulm, Germany. 01 OCTOBER 2024 From 11 to 18 September, more than 250 participants from 24 nations and various NATO entities engaged in one of the largest military enablement exercises at the Joint Support and Enabling Command (JSEC).
Steadfast Foxtrot 2024 not only trained experts in enablement, reinforcement by forces and sustainment but also set the stage for unveiling NATO’s steps towards the next generation of data processing and simulation systems in close collaboration with the Artificial Intelligence (AI) company Pathway.
“Robust and innovative data processing technology such as delivered by Pathway, unlocks new capabilities for critical use cases at scale,” emphasizes Major General Gerry Ewart-Brookes, Deputy Chief of Staff Plans. The ability to combine military data sources and open-source information such as civil traffic, social media alerts, and media is crucial for the planning and execution of military operations.
With its functional demonstrator, the Reinforcement Enablement Simulation Tool (REST), Pathway developed the cornerstone for further development of AI-supported solutions to NATO.
According to Major General Dirk Kipper, Deputy Chief of Staff Operations, the smart combination of NATO and open source data will speed up situational awareness and bring it to the necessary level, required to successfully operate in the 21st century.
Exercise Steadfast Foxtrot 2024 tested NATO’s resilience in the face of a greater menace at the Eastern European borders. Military personnel from Allied nations together with NATO staff trained to strengthen mutual cooperation and test the sustainability of NATO forces. Anticipating the movement of troops and equipment from the east coast of North America across the Atlantic and the European continent has never been so critical for an effective deterrence of Allied territory.
This initiative is a great example of how NATO aims to bridge the gap between what the industry can offer, and the military expertise in order to further improve the safety of the Alliance’s one billion citizens.

Pathway Team