
Embedding entire documents as a single vector often leads to poor retrieval performance. This happens because the model is forced to compress all the document's information into a single representation, making it difficult to capture granular details. As a result, important context may be lost, and retrieval effectiveness decreases.

There a several strategies how to best chunk a document. A simple approach might involve slicing the text every n characters. However, this can split sentences or phrases awkwardly, resulting in incomplete or distorted chunks. Additionally, token counts vary (a token might be a character, word, or punctuation), making it hard to manage consistent chunk sizes with character-based splitting.

A better method is to chunk the text by tokens, ensuring each chunk makes sense and aligns with sentence or paragraph boundaries. Token-based chunking is typically done at logical breakpoints, such as periods, commas, or newlines.


Pathway offers a TokenCountSplitter for token-based chunking. Here's how to use it:

from pathway.xpacks.llm.splitters import TokenCountSplitter

text_splitter = TokenCountSplitter(

This configuration creates chunks of 100–500 tokens using the cl100k_base tokenizer, compatible with OpenAI's embedding models.

For more on token encodings, refer to OpenAI's tiktoken guide.


Another kind of splitter that you can use to chunk your documents in RecursiveSplitter. It functions similarly to TokenCountSplitter in that it measures chunk length based on the number of tokens required to encode the text. However, the way it determines split points differs. RecursiveSplitter processes a document by iterating through a list of ordered separators (configurable in the constructor), starting with the most granular and moving to the least. For example, it may first attempt to split using \n\n and, if necessary, fall back to splitting at periods (.). The splitter continues this process until all chunks are smaller than chunk_size. Additionally, you can introduce overlapping chunks by setting the chunk_overlap parameter. This is particularly useful if you want to capture different contexts in your chunks. However, keep in mind that enabling overlap increases the total number of chunks retrieved, which could impact performance.

splitter = RecursiveSplitter(
    separators=["\n#", "\n##", "\n\n", "\n"],  # separators for markdown documents