App Templates

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Filter App Templates
Dynamic Enterprise RAG with SharePoint
This article presents Dynamic Enterprise RAG application that integrates with Microsoft SharePoint as a data source
Multimodal RAG for PDFs with Text, Images, and Charts
End-to-end template showing how you can launch a document processing pipeline that utilizes GPT-4o in the parsing stage.
Pathway RAG app with always up-to-date knowledge
This demo shows how to create a RAG application using Pathway that provides always up-to-date knowledge to your LLM without the need for a separate ETL.
Langchain and Pathway: RAG Apps with always-up-to-date knowledge
Private RAG with Connected Data Sources using Mistral, Ollama, and Pathway
Adaptive RAG with fully local models
Adaptive RAG: cut your LLM costs without sacrificing accuracy
This article presents Adaptive RAG: a new technique to decrease the cost of RAGs without sacrificing accuracy
LlamaIndex and Pathway: RAG Apps with always-up-to-date knowledge
Pathway is now available in LlamaIndex as Reader and Retriever
RAG pipeline with up-to-date knowledge: get answers based on documents in local folder
End-to-end template to launch a simple pipeline that answers questions based on documents in a given folder.
RAG pipeline with up-to-date knowledge: get answers based on documents stored in S3
End-to-end template to launch a simple pipeline that answers questions based on documents stored in S3.
RAG pipeline run locally with up-to-date knowledge: get answers based on documents stored locally
End-to-end template to launch a RAG pipeline relying on local computations and models.
Realtime Document Indexing: Vector Store with always-up-to-date knowledge template
End-to-end template to launch a service for a real-time document indexing pipeline powered by Pathway.
RAG pipeline with Pathway + Unstructured: getting answers based on PDFs
End-to-end template to launch a RAG pipeline using the Unstructured library for parsing documents.
Pathway + PostgreSQL + LLM: app for querying financial reports with live document structuring pipeline.
Deploy LLMs to parse raw text from streams and insert into a DB
Pathway + LLM + Slack notification: RAG App with real-time alerting when answers change in documents
Use LLMs for notifications with Pathway: crafting a RAG app with real-time alerting via Slack
Data pipelineMachine Learningtime series