
[In French] La nuit de la data et de l’IA

'La nuit de la data' will bring together over 500 professionals in Paris to celebrate the finest innovations in the Data ecosystem in several categories.

Why La nuit de la data will bring together over 500 professionals in Paris to celebrate the finest innovations in the Data ecosystem in several categories.

Pathway is participating in la “Nuit de la Data et de l’IA” in Paris in the “Innovative solution” section.

Pathway addresses the challenges of combining Streaming data + AI for operational analytics use cases.

Pathway is the most powerful data processing framework for operational analytics use cases requiring a response time of between a few milliseconds and less than 3 minutes, and advanced data transformations (advanced analytics, AI, LLM...). Use cases include anomaly detection, alerting, trajectory mining, monitoring and observability, advanced analytics, LLM-enabled data pipelines, etc.


Clémence PerraudinSales Acquisition Manager at Pathway
Claire NouetCo-founder and COO of Pathway

