
Methods and classes for testing and declaring relations between keysets (universes).

Typical use:

import pathway as pw
import pytest
t1 = pw.debug.table_from_markdown(
  | age | owner | pet
1 | 8   | Alice | cat
2 | 9   | Bob   | dog
3 | 15  | Alice | tortoise
t2 = pw.debug.table_from_markdown(
  | age | owner
1 | 11  | Alice
2 | 12  | Tom
3 | 7   | Eve
4 | 99  | Papa
t3 = t2.filter(pw.this.age > 10)
pw.universes.promise_are_equal(t1, t2)
result = t1.update_cells(t3)
pw.debug.compute_and_print(result, include_id=False)

pw.universes.promise_are_equal(self, *others)

sourceAsserts to Pathway that an universe of self is equal to each of the others universes.

Semantics: Used in situations where Pathway cannot deduce one universe being equal to another universe.

Returns: None

Note: The assertion works in place.


import pathway as pw
import pytest
t1 = pw.debug.table_from_markdown(
  | age | owner | pet
1 | 8   | Alice | cat
2 | 9   | Bob   | dog
3 | 15  | Alice | tortoise
t2 = pw.debug.table_from_markdown(
  | age | owner
1 | 11  | Alice
2 | 12  | Tom
3 | 7   | Eve
4 | 99  | Papa
t3 = t2.filter(pw.this.age > 10)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
pw.universes.promise_are_equal(t1, t2)
result = t1.update_cells(t3)
pw.debug.compute_and_print(result, include_id=False)

pw.universes.promise_are_pairwise_disjoint(self, *others)

sourceAsserts to Pathway that an universe of self is a subset of universe of each of the others.

Semantics: Used in situations where Pathway cannot deduce universes are disjoint.

Returns: None

Note: The assertion works in place.

import pathway as pw
t1 = pw.debug.table_from_markdown('''
  | age | owner | pet
1 | 10  | Alice | 1
2 | 9   | Bob   | 1
3 | 8   | Alice | 2
t2 = pw.debug.table_from_markdown('''
   | age | owner | pet
11 | 11  | Alice | 30
12 | 12  | Tom   | 40
pw.universes.promise_are_pairwise_disjoint(t1, t2)
t3 = t1.concat(t2)
pw.debug.compute_and_print(t3, include_id=False)

pw.universes.promise_is_subset_of(self, *others)

sourceAsserts to Pathway that an universe of self is a subset of universe of each of the others.

Semantics: Used in situations where Pathway cannot deduce one universe being a subset of another.

Returns: None

Note: The assertion works in place.


import pathway as pw
t1 = pw.debug.table_from_markdown('''
  | age | owner | pet
1 | 10  | Alice | 1
2 | 9   | Bob   | 1
3 | 8   | Alice | 2
t2 = pw.debug.table_from_markdown('''
  | age | owner | pet
1 | 10  | Alice | 30
pw.universes.promise_is_subset_of(t2, t1)
t3 = t1 << t2
pw.debug.compute_and_print(t3, include_id=False)