class*, summary=None, description=None, tags=None, method_types=None, examples=None)


The settings for the automatic OpenAPI v3 docs generation for an endpoint.

  • Parameters
    • summary (str | None) – Short endpoint description shown as a hint in the endpoints list.
    • description (str | None) – Comprehensive description for the endpoint.
    • tags (Optional[Sequence[str]]) – Tags for grouping the endpoints.
    • method_types (Optional[Sequence[str]]) – If set, Pathway will document only the given method types. This way, one can exclude certain endpoints and methods from being documented.



Examples for endpoint documentation.

add_example(id, summary, values)

sourceAdds an example to the collection.

  • Parameters
    • id – Short and unique ID for the example. It is used for naming the example within the Open API schema. By using default as an ID, you can set the example default for the readers, while users will be able to select another ones via the dropdown menu.
    • summary – Human-readable summary of the example, describing what is shown. It is shown in the automatically generated dropdown menu.
    • values – The key-value dictionary, a mapping from the fields described in schema to their values in the example.
  • Returns

class, port, with_schema_endpoint=True, with_cors=False)


The basic configuration class for

It contains essential information about the host and the port on which the webserver should run and accept queries.

  • Parameters
    • host – TCP/IP host or a sequence of hosts for the created endpoint.
    • port – Port for the created endpoint.
    • with_schema_endpoint – If set to True, the server will also provide /_schema endpoint containing Open API 3.0.3 schema for the handlers generated with calls.
    • with_cors – If set to True, the server will allow cross-origin requests on the added endpoints.


sourceReturns Open API description for the added set of endpoints in yaml format.


sourceReturns Open API description for the added set of endpoints in JSON format.

class, backoff_factor, jitter_ms)


Class representing policy of delays or backoffs for the retries., *, schema=None, method='GET', payload=None, headers=None, response_mapper=None, format='json', delimiter=None, n_retries=0, retry_policy=< object>, connect_timeout_ms=None, request_timeout_ms=None, allow_redirects=True, retry_codes=(429, 500, 502, 503, 504), autocommit_duration_ms=10000, debug_data=None, value_columns=None, primary_key=None, types=None, default_values=None)

sourceReads a table from an HTTP stream.

  • Parameters
    • url (str) – the full URL of streaming endpoint to fetch data from.
    • schema (type[Schema] | None) – Schema of the resulting table.
    • method (str) – request method for streaming. It should be one of HTTP request methods.
    • payload (Any | None) – data to be send in the body of the request.
    • headers (dict[str, str] | None) – request headers in the form of dict. Wildcards are allowed both, in keys and in values.
    • response_mapper (Callable[[str | bytes], bytes] | None) – in case a response needs to be processed, this method can be provided. It will be applied to each slice of a stream.
    • format (str) – format of the data, “json” or “raw”. In case of a “raw” format, table with single “data” column will be produced. For “json” format, bytes encoded json is expected.
    • delimiter (str | bytes | None) – delimiter used to split stream into messages.
    • n_retries (int) – how many times to retry the failed request.
    • retry_policy (RetryPolicy) – policy of delays or backoffs for the retries.
    • connect_timeout_ms (int | None) – connection timeout, specified in milliseconds. In case it’s None, no restrictions on connection duration will be applied.
    • request_timeout_ms (int | None) – request timeout, specified in milliseconds. In case it’s None, no restrictions on request duration will be applied.
    • allow_redirects (bool) – whether to allow redirects.
    • retry_codes (tuple | None) – HTTP status codes that trigger retries.
    • content_type – content type of the data to send. In case the chosen format is JSON, it will be defaulted to “application/json”.
    • autocommit_duration_ms (int) – the maximum time between two commits. Every autocommit_duration_ms milliseconds, the updates received by the connector are committed and pushed into Pathway’s computation graph.
    • debug_data – static data replacing original one when debug mode is active.
    • value_columns (list[str] | None) – columns to extract for a table. [will be deprecated soon]
    • primary_key (list[str] | None) – in case the table should have a primary key generated according to a subset of its columns, the set of columns should be specified in this field. Otherwise, the primary key will be generated as uuid4. [will be deprecated soon]
    • types (dict[str, PathwayType] | None) – dictionary containing the mapping between the columns and the data types (pw.Type) of the values of those columns. This parameter is optional, and if not provided the default type is pw.Type.ANY. [will be deprecated soon]
    • default_values (dict[str, Any] | None) – dictionary containing default values for columns replacing blank entries. The default value of the column must be specified explicitly, otherwise there will be no default value. [will be deprecated soon]


Raw format:

import os
import pathway as pw
table =
  headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {os.environ['BEARER_TOKEN']}"},

JSON with response mapper:

Input can be adjusted using a mapping function that will be applied to each slice of a stream. The mapping function should return bytes.

def mapper(msg: bytes) -> bytes:
  result = json.loads(msg.decode())
  return json.dumps({"key": result["id"], "text": result["data"]}).encode()
class InputSchema(pw.Schema):
 key: int
 text: str
t =
  headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {os.environ['BEARER_TOKEN']}"},
), port=None, *, webserver=None, route='/', schema=None, methods=('POST', ), autocommit_duration_ms=1500, documentation=< object>, keep_queries=None, delete_completed_queries=None, request_validator=None, cache_strategy=None)

sourceRuns a lightweight HTTP server and inputs a collection from the HTTP endpoint, configured by the parameters of this method.

On the output, the method provides a table and a callable, which needs to accept the result table of the computation, which entries will be tracked and put into respective request’s responses.

  • Parameters
    • webserver (PathwayWebserver | None) – configuration object containing host and port information. You only need to create only one instance of this class per single host-port pair;
    • route (str) – route which will be listened to by the web server;
    • schema (type[Schema] | None) – schema of the resulting table;
    • methods (Sequence[str]) – HTTP methods that this endpoint will accept;
    • autocommit_duration_ms – the maximum time between two commits. Every autocommit_duration_ms milliseconds, the updates received by the connector are committed and pushed into Pathway’s computation graph;
    • keep_queries (bool | None) – whether to keep queries after processing; defaults to False. [deprecated]
    • delete_completed_queries (bool | None) – whether to send a deletion entry after the query is processed. Allows to remove it from the system if it is stored by operators such as join or groupby;
    • request_validator (Callable | None) – a callable that can verify requests. A return value of None accepts payload. Any other returned value is treated as error and used as the response. Any exception is caught and treated as validation failure.
    • cache_strategy (CacheStrategy | None) – one of available request caching strategies or None if no caching is required. If enabled, caches responses for the requests with the same schema-defined payload.
  • Returns
    table – the table read; response_writer: a callable, where the result table should be provided. The result table must contain columns query_id corresponding to the primary key of an object from the input table and result, corresponding to the endpoint’s return value.


Let’s consider the following example: there is a collection of words that are received through HTTP REST endpoint /uppercase located at, port 9999. The Pathway program processes this table by converting these words to the upper case. This conversion result must be provided to the user on the output.

Then, you can proceed with the following REST connector configuration code.

First, the schema and the webserver object need to be created:

import pathway as pw
class WordsSchema(pw.Schema):
    word: str

webserver ="", port=9999)

Then, the endpoint that inputs this collection can be configured:

words, response_writer =

Finally, you can define the logic that takes the input table words, calculates the result in the form of a table, and provides it for the endpoint’s output:

uppercase_words =,
    result=pw.apply(lambda x: x.upper(), pw.this.word)

Please note that you don’t need to create another web server object if you need to have more than one endpoint running on the same host and port. For example, if you need to create another endpoint that converts words to lower case, in the same way, you need to reuse the existing webserver object. That is, the configuration would start with:

words_for_lowercase, response_writer_for_lowercase =
), url, *, method='POST', format='json', request_payload_template=None, n_retries=0, retry_policy=< object>, connect_timeout_ms=None, request_timeout_ms=None, content_type=None, headers=None, allow_redirects=True, retry_codes=(429, 500, 502, 503, 504))

sourceSends the stream of updates from the table to the specified HTTP API.

  • Parameters
    • table (Table) – table to be tracked.
    • method (str) – request method for streaming. It should be one of HTTP request methods.
    • url (str) – the full URL of the endpoint to push data into. Can contain wildcards.
    • format (str) – the payload format, one of {“json”, “custom”}. If “json” is specified, the plain JSON will be formed and sent. Otherwise, the contents of the field request_payload_template will be used.
    • request_payload_template (str | None) – the template to format and send in case “custom” was specified in the format field. Can include wildcards.
    • n_retries (int) – how many times to retry the failed request.
    • retry_policy (RetryPolicy) – policy of delays or backoffs for the retries.
    • connect_timeout_ms (int | None) – connection timeout, specified in milliseconds. In case it’s None, no restrictions on connection duration will be applied.
    • request_timeout_ms (int | None) – request timeout, specified in milliseconds. In case it’s None, no restrictions on request duration will be applied.
    • allow_redirects (bool) – Whether to allow redirects.
    • retry_codes (tuple | None) – HTTP status codes that trigger retries.
    • content_type (str | None) – content type of the data to send. In case the chosen format is JSON, it will be defaulted to “application/json”.
    • headers (dict[str, str] | None) – request headers in the form of dict. Wildcards are allowed both, in keys and in values.


Wildcards are the proposed way to customize the HTTP requests composed. The engine will replace all entries of {table.<column_name>} with a value from the column <column_name> in the row sent. This wildcard resolving will happen in url, request payload template and headers.


For the sake of demonstration, let’s try different ways to send the stream of changes on a table pets, containing data about pets and their owners. The table contains just two columns: the pet and the owner’s name.

import pathway as pw
pets = pw.debug.table_from_markdown("owner pet \n Alice dog \n Bob cat \n Alice cat")

Consider that there is a need to send the stream of changes on such table to the external API endpoint (let’s pick some exemplary URL for the sake of demonstration).

To keep things simple, we can suppose that this API accepts flat JSON objects, which are sent in POST requests. Then, the communication can be done with a simple code snippet:, "")

Now let’s do something more custom. Suppose that the API endpoint requires us to communicate via PUT method and to pass the values as CGI-parameters. In this case, wildcards are the way to go:

A custom payload can also be formed from the outside. What if the endpoint requires the data in tskv format in request body?

First of all, let’s form a template for the message body:

message_template_tokens = [
message_template = "\t".join(message_template_tokens)

Now, we can use this template and the custom format, this way: