Pathway license settings

Manage your license settings

License key

What is this key?

This license key grants you access to Pathway Scale features that are not available in the Community version. It is available to you free of charge.

How to use this key?

To activate Pathway Scale features with your key, install the Pathway package as you normally would. Then, add the following lines to your source code:
import pathway as pw

Data Privacy and Terms of Use

All use of Pathway is subject to Licensing Terms and Conditions. By using this key, you additionally acknowledge and agree that anonymized product usage data is sent to Pathway (the company) via an OpenTelemetry collector. This data help us improve the product and provide better support.
All data collected is subject to Pathway's Privacy Policy. You have the right to review Pathway's Privacy Policy to understand how your data is handled.

to upgrade to a paid plan or to opt out of telemetry at any time.

Your feedback matters!

We are currently rolling out a new license key mechanism and are excited to hear about your onboarding experience. Drop us a line at, tell us how it went, and let us know which Pathway Scale functionalities you are using in your project!

The first 300 users to write to us will receive a Pathway t-shirt. (17 t-shirts remaining)