Implementing a tree using transformer classes

A more advanced example on how transformer classes work by implementing a tree.

Pathway's transformer class is a powerful tool to perform advanced operations on tables. In the following, we are going to show you how to use a transformer class to implement a tree and compute recursive operations on it.

We strongly advise you to read our introduction on transformer classes and the simple examples before reading further.

Pathway Data Structures & Algorithms 101: How to represent a Tree?

Let's take a look at one of the simplest graph-like data structures: a tree. Let's encode tree nodes into a table with columns:

  1. Node ID
  2. A value val of integer type, stored in nodes of the tree.
  3. The node's parent ID - which can be Null for the root.

To do this, in Pathway you can write the following schema for the considered table (ID's are implicit and don't need to be defined).

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Optional

import pathway as pw

class Nodes(pw.Schema):
    val: int
    parent: Optional[pw.Pointer[Nodes]]

Transformer Classes acting on a single row

You would now like to compute some basic statistics on the tree. For example, is a given node the root? In Python, this would follow through a simple row operation:

    # We would want to add this logic as a "method" to the `nodes` schema

    def is_root(self):
        return self.parent is None

How to make a transformer which takes a table following the schema nodes and "gives it" the method above? The answer is a Transformer Class which acts on a single table argument called nodes, and adds the is_root logic as an output argument. We call our transformer tree_node_roots:

class tree_node_roots:
    class nodes(pw.ClassArg, input=Nodes):
        val = pw.input_attribute()
        parent = pw.input_attribute()

        def is_root(self):
            return self.parent is None

Let's provide a quick explanation of what happens here. You can specify Nodes as input for the class nodes to enforce that the rows of the table are of type Nodes. You link the parameters of the class nodes to the ones of Nodes with the pw.input_attribute() function. Note that the names of the parameters (val and parent in the example) must be exactly the same as the column names of the input table. Finally, you declare the different columns of the resulting table using the annotation pw.output_attribute on different functions. Each function defines a column in the output table and the value of the function is going to be used to as the value: the name of the function defines the name of the column.

You can now use tree_node_roots as a transformer, and call tree_node_roots(TN) for a table TN of nodes to get the required output columns, just as you would for any other transformer.

tree = pw.debug.table_from_markdown(
    | val | parent_label
 0  | 0    |
 1  | 1    | 0
 2  | 2    | 0
 3  | 3    | 1
 4  | 4    | 1
 5  | 5    | 2
 6  | 6    | 2
tree +=, optional=True))

result = tree_node_roots(tree).nodes
[2024-05-09T00:17:20]:INFO:Preparing Pathway computation

[2024-05-09T00:17:20]:INFO:Preparing Pathway computation

            | val | parent_label | parent
^X1MXHYY... | 0   |              |
^YYY4HAB... | 1   | 0            | ^X1MXHYY...
^Z3QWT29... | 2   | 0            | ^X1MXHYY...
^3CZ78B4... | 3   | 1            | ^YYY4HAB...
^3HN31E1... | 4   | 1            | ^YYY4HAB...
^3S2X6B2... | 5   | 2            | ^Z3QWT29...
^A984WV0... | 6   | 2            | ^Z3QWT29...
            | is_root
^YYY4HAB... | False
^Z3QWT29... | False
^3CZ78B4... | False
^3HN31E1... | False
^3S2X6B2... | False
^A984WV0... | False
^X1MXHYY... | True

Transformer Classes acting on multiple rows

Now, let's try something which shows the power of Pathway a bit more. Suppose you would like to see how many steps away a node is from its root. Let's call this the level of a node. How would you compute this?

Logically, the level of a node is higher by 1 unit than the level of its parent. So, the solution can be obtained by recursion.

Recursion is perhaps something you would think twice about before attempting in SQL. In Pathway, recursion is natively supported, and efficient to use where the "recursion stack" does not change much for old data rows as new data arrives.

The transformer which does just what we want is provided below.

class tree_node_roots_and_levels:
    class nodes(pw.ClassArg, input=Nodes):
        val = pw.input_attribute()
        parent = pw.input_attribute()

        def is_root(self):
            return self.parent is None

        def level(self):
            if self.is_root:
                return 0
                return 1 + self.transformer.nodes[self.parent].level

Most of the logic is contained in the final line, 1 + self.transformer.nodes[self.parent].level.

You obtain the following table:

result = tree_node_roots_and_levels(tree).nodes
[2024-05-09T00:17:20]:INFO:Preparing Pathway computation

            | is_root | level
^YYY4HAB... | False   | 1
^Z3QWT29... | False   | 1
^3CZ78B4... | False   | 2
^3HN31E1... | False   | 2
^3S2X6B2... | False   | 2
^A984WV0... | False   | 2
^X1MXHYY... | True    | 0

A small side note: you might simply have wanted to write here 1 + self.parent.level instead, however, this would be missing information about the table that self.parent lives in. This table is identified through self.transformer.nodes.

Though making the syntax a bit more verbose, identifying objects through both a table, and a row identifier, helps to avoid confusion.

You will see why this is useful in this article where we introduce Transformer Classes that use not just one, but two or more arguments. These will allow us to work with a matchings table and a profiles table, indicating a pair of nodes for which the required computation should be performed.


In this guide, you learned how to write transformer classes building a tree and computing some basic operations on that tree. This is useful for defining row-based logic for tables, oblivious of the fact that we are operating on top of data streams. You can take a look at our tour of Pathway's transformers in which you will find a list of examples of transformers.

You can also check our connectors to connect your data into Pathway.